Who we are:
Digital CoLab is a network of web professionals looking to grow their influence and income in the digital space.
Our purpose:
To connect brands and bloggers, companies with clients, ideas with executors, and consumers with content.
What we offer:
A private Facebook group for networking. Twitter and Facebook chats for learning and promoting. Webinars, business coaching, strategizing, and mentoring for professionals in the digital space.
Where you can find us:
The Digital CoLab Event
Join us in San Diego, California, at the gorgeous W Hotel, June 19-21, 2014 for an accelerated three day experience including learning intensives, small group labs, expert presenters, hands on projects, networking, and more.
This event will be limited to 100 web professionals, so sign up to be the first to know when tickets go on sale.
Toni Anderson
Toni started blogging in 2006 and after accidentally getting the attention of Oliver North she decided there might be more to blogging than just writing about her daily adventures with seven kids. She founded TheHappyHousewife.com in 2008 and founded SavvyBlogging in 2009.
She has worked with numerous brands over the past few years to include, Kraft, Musselmans, Smuckers, Arm & Hammer, Apologia, and KOA as well as served as a brand ambassador for BornFree, Together Counts, OxiClean, and The Pork Council. She also serves as a project manager for the grocery program and leads the blogger influencer initiative for Savings.com.
While she still hasn’t found a use for that degree in Political Science she earned in the 1990’s, she enjoys helping others succeed in their web based businesses through the Digital CoLab and small business consulting.
Toni is happily married with seven amazing kids, ages four to eighteen. She is passionate about helping others save money, eat healthier, shop smarter, get fit for good, and say yes to their kids.
Erin Chase
Erin Chase is the mom behind $5 Dinners and she also founded Savvy Blogging. In between chasing her 4 boys around the yard and carting them around town, she publishes cookbooks, write blog posts and helps brands and companies expand their social media reach. She enjoys running and has a spinach salad for lunch everyday. She may or may not sleep at night…because #aintnobodygottimeforthat!
Andrea Deckard
Andrea Deckard, is a former HR professional with 10 years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies. After leaving Corporate America to stay home with her children, Andrea took her passion for saving and technology and started her site to help others save.
Through the years, Andrea has learned many ways to earn through diversified revenue streams as a professional blogger. She has also partnered with many brands including SC Johnson, Tide, Savings.com, Coca-Cola, Bing, World Vision and Walt Disney World. Andrea has been featured in national media outlets including All You Magazine, Good Morning America and World News Tonight. She works regularly with local media including a weekly segment with WGRR radio station in Cincinnati.
Andrea founded Savvy Blogging and co-hosted the Savvy Blogging Summit with her awesome partners!

J.D. Roth
J.D. Roth has been blogging since before “blog” was even a word. He’s had a personal web page since 1994 and an online journal since 1997.
He’s best-known as an accidental personal-finance expert, a regular guy who found himself deep in debt. After deciding to turn his life around, he read everything he could about saving and investing. In 2006, J.D. started the popular Get Rich Slowly, which Money magazine called the Web’s most inspiring personal-finance blog and Time magazine named one of the 25 best blogs of 2011.
J.D. also contributes the “Your Money” column to Entrepreneur magazine and is the author of Your Money: The Missing Manual. For three years, he was part of the core team that produced the World Domination Summit.
An Oregon native, J.D. lives next to the Willamette River in a quiet part of Portland. He spends his free time reading comics and science-fiction novels, doing Crossfit, and sipping wine with his girlfriend. He hopes to live in Latin America someday.
Administrative Assistant
Jenn Klongpayabal
Jenn Klongpayabal is a homeschooling mother of two who thought it would be fun to dive into the world of blogging by being a virtual assistant. She got her start as a Virtual Assistant (VA) in 2010, which led her to the opportunity to assist at the Savvy Blogging Summits. Through that experience, Jenn started working for Erin at 5DollarDinners.com, Toni at TheHappyHousewife.com, and finally Amy at VineSleuth.com/Uncorked.
She performs many duties as an executive virtual assistant including writing posts, editing contributer posts, managing ads and media proposals, organizing and maintaining email inboxes, handling social media interaction, analyzing SEO and Google Analytics, and more.
Jenn also co-owns KlongDesigns.com with her gifted web-designer husband, Chris.